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Gong Jiu

Lian Zhou Gong Jiu has been in business since 1944, located at Gaocheng Shijiazhuang, Hebei, it has been known as the local specialty, spirit and alcohol making in Gaocheng has a history of over 3000 years. In 1973, SKM to
the west from our factory found Taixi brewing site from Shang Dynasty, a variety of spirit making appliance and the world’5 oldest baijiu was found at the site. 2000 years ago in the Han Dynasty , Lian Zhou Gong Jiu became the special alcohol for the Royal P alace, Emperor Liuxiu named this alcohol as "Gong Jiu’; the former name of Gaocheng is Lian Zhou, so it became " Lian Zhou Gong Jiu”- Now, Lian Zhou Gong Jiu still inherited the traditional brewing and distilling method, which used 2000 years ago, the annual production of more than 1000T of baijiu. In 2016, exported to Australia.


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